Availability, Nutrition, and Recipe Suggestions

In Season:  Choi (aka Pac Choi or Bok Choy) season starts in the springtime and runs into the late fall.  While not as cold-hardy as kale, we also feature choi for our wintertime CSA in December and beyond…

Storage:  Choi can be kept in a plastic bag in the fridge.  The goal for keeping greens in top quality is to control the rate of respiration (hence the plastic bag) and temperature (hence the refrigeration).

Preservation:  Although not as popular as napa cabbage, pac choi can be used to make fermented kim-chi.

Production Notes:  We grow a lot of choi on the farm, because of its versatile nature and ease of use in the kitchen.  It’s relatively easy to grow and can be harvested at various points of maturity – from tender baby choi to mammoth mature choi.

Varieties:  Black Summer choi (dark green leaves, with green stems) is our staple variety because it is very heat tolerant.  Joi Choi is a traditional white stemmed choi we typically include in fall production plans, when we also plant Red Choi.

Nutrition:  Pac Choi is clearly a Super Food, packed with Vitamin K and Vitamin C and Antioxidants.  Dr. Mercola agrees Bok Choi contains a “wealth of nutrients”.

Deep Nutrition:  Choi is among the best cruciferous source of Glucosinolates, which have been shown to help reduce the risk of cancer.

Deep Science:   Choi is even “better” than broccoli in supplying glucosinolates and reducing cancer in this study…

Preparation:  Our bagged choi is typically fresh packed without washing, while our bunched choi is typically rinsed to maintain moisture around the leaves, we suggest washing all greens before using.  Choi is simple to prepare, depending on whether you are using leaves individually or the whole bunch.  We suggest cutting at the very base of the plant to separate the leaves; wash large leaves individually – focusing on any dirt near the base of the stem (especially after thunderstorms), while smaller leaves can be washed all at once.

Choi Recipe Suggestions:
