Availability, Nutrition, and Recipe Suggestions




In Season:  a

Storage:  Potatoes keep best when placed in a well-ventilated container and stored in a dry location, away from sunlight, and at temperatures between 45 and 55 degrees F. That isn’t too easy to find in most homes today but if you place them in a paper bag in a cool part of the kitchen or dry area in the basement.

Preservation:  The best way to preserve potatoes is to freeze them. Simply peel them, give them a good rinse and par boil them for 3-5 minutes. remove them let them cool and place them in freezer proof bags. 

Production Notes:  a

Varieties:  a

Nutrition: Potatoes are a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Manganese. [http://nutritiondata.self.com]

Deep Nutrition:  Potatoes are one of the most abundant sources of B-vitamins, especially vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and folate. [https://foodfacts.mercola.com]

Deep Science: One study1 conducted by scientists from the Institute for Food Research found that potatoes provided compounds called kukoamines, which aid in lowering blood pressure.  [https://foodfacts.mercola.com]

Preparation:  Potatoes should be rinsed before use. Potatoes can be boiled or baked to retain most of their nutrients. Always avoid frying them in unhealthy oils.

Potatoes Recipe Suggestions:


authored by: Danny G

February 2018