Availability, Nutrition, and Recipe Suggestions

In Season:  Typically Aug into September

Storage:  Tomatillos can be left on the counter top for 3-6 days. Any longer and you should place them in a paper bag inside the veggie drawer.

Preservation:  Here is a simple way to Can Your Tomatillos for preserving them. From the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

Production Notes:  We produce a limited quantity of tomatillos most seasons; though some years they get cut from the planting plan due to space limitations.  Yields are typically most reliable in August and continue into the fall depending on the growing season.  We usually wrap up harvest by late September.

Varieties:  Historically relying on Toma Verde from Johnny’s we’ve recently shifted our focus to larger fruited hybrids.

Nutrition:  Tomatillos are a good source of Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Niacin, Potassium and Manganese. [nutrtiondata.self.com]

Deep Nutrition:  Tomatillos nutrients work well with others.  B-carotenes zeaxanthin and lutein impart extraordinarily potent antioxidant properties that work with vitamin A to protect vision and help prevent macular degeneration. Vitamin A also helps maintain healthy mucus membranes and skin, and the flavonoids do their part in inhibiting lung and mouth cancers. [foodfacts.mercola.com]

Deep Science:  A recently-discovered set of naturally occurring phytochemical compounds called withanolides, such as Ixocarpalactone-A, is one of the compounds in tomatillo found to be not only antibacterial, but also a natural cancer fighter. Traditional healers in India have been known to prescribe foods containing these compounds as a tonic for arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. [foodfacts.mercola.com]

Preparation:  Remove Tomatillos from their husks. If cooking boil for about 5 minutes then proceed to crush or puree.

Tomatillo Recipe Suggestions:

Tomatillos also pair well with- Cilantro, fish, cucumber, onions, tequila, tomatoes.


authored by: Danny Guillotte and Derek Christianson

Updated February 2019